...Our Product
To provide green innovative high quality products for the global market.
...Governance & Management
We uphold business integrity, comprehensive risk management, and improve security through policies and controls.
...Our Planet
Utilizing low - carbon technology, improving circularity and optimizing the supply chain on our road to net-zero.
...Our People and Community
We care about our employees and provide an equal, transparent, and supportive platform for every employee.

Lamipak published its ESG annual report 2022. In this report we cover our achievements made in 2022 and our updated road map on sustainability. Lamipak continually supports our customers with their sustainability targets by being their packaging solutions partner and rapidly transform into becoming the forefront of the food packaging industry. Together, we can bring life to packaging and achieve sustainability.

To lower our carbon emissions of our products Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to 50% by 2030.
Transition towards monomaterial products and paper-based aseptic packaging materials by 2025.
Increase the use of renewable material and launch 100% renewable aseptic package
Increase our usage of the PEFC/FSC certified paper and board to 100%.

Aim for carbon net zero in 2050,and implement emission reduction measures from three aspects: product carbon management, clean production, and emission reduction across the value chain.

Commit to improving the efficiency of resource use, and strive to reduce the discharge of wastewater, air emissionand waste in the production and operation process.

Encompass circularity and continue to drive circular solutions byenhancing recycling measures and cooperating with industry NGOs.


To improve our learning and development system, set up avariety of training courses for employees and work with employees to grow together.

To take long term safety development of our enterprise as the top priority and always put safety of our employees infirst place.


Business Integrity - Avoid corruption or bribery in anyform and comply with anti-corruption laws of every countryin which the company conducts business.

Risk Management -To uphold our risk control system with four pillars that covers risk management, internal control, internal audit and forensic investigation that covers all aspects of our operation, including purchasing, payments, production, engineering management, human resource management, and environment and safety management. Information Security -We continue to improve on clearly defining information management assign controlling measures according to the classification mentioned in our lT Information Security Policy and Code of Practice for the Classification & Protection of Information.


We encourage transparency and accountability. Use this section to confidentially report any instances of corruption or misconduct you may have witnessed. Your identity will remain confidential, and we will thoroughly investigate all reports to ensure a fair and ethical work environment.

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